Wednesday 22 August 2018 | 4:00 – 6:00pm
One of the most important and influential things we can do to encourage more students to enter into STEM degree programs and careers is to expose them to leading STEM professionals. Participating in the IEEE RAPID conference will allow them to do just that. The STEM track brings bright, inspiring students, dedicated educators and leaders in the Photonics fields together for a first-of-its-kind opportunity. Students will present their award winning work from various projects including the Florida State Science and Engineering Fair and the International Science and Engineering Fair.
Chair: Mr. Brian Mitchell (Air Force Research Laboratory)
Opening Remarks: Dr. Paul Hsu, “Preparing Students for Careers of Global Demand”
Opening Abstract: The term STEM has become so ubiquitous that we’ve lost sight of how important it is to our lives. We’re also missing out on a lot of really smart kids, but there’s hope. We can find the talent, close the gaps and save the world.